Another year is coming to a close and a fresh chapter of this blessed life is about to open.
It may seem trite or cliché to set intentions for the New Year, but consider that consciously creating the energy and enthusiasm for this beginning opens the door to possibility. Our inner world does affect how we show up in the outer world. Energy is everything and actively creating yours is a powerful thing.
Intention Meditation:
Sit or lie down (but stay awake), perhaps put some music on that connects you to your joyful heart. Begin by taking some centering breaths allowing all thoughts of past and future roll through and each breath makes more space to come home to the present moment.
Once you feel present, begin to allow a vision of your year ahead to flow through you in a way that feels natural for you. You might view it in a sequence or perhaps it will meander. Simply be completely open to everything and anything that comes to your awareness. Take as much time as needed to let everything that wants to be known and received to bubble up.
When you feel complete grab your journal and write it all down.
Review what you have written and identify any themes. Identify what calls to you most intensely. What values are you called to step into to create the year of your vision?
Next create an intention statement in the affirmative, including the values you are centering.
I (insert your name) am ___________________.
Make this intention concise and clear. For example:
I (name) am caring for my body and health.
I (name) am creating connection and love in my life.
Finally create three action steps toward that intention. Make them simple and achievable.
If you are comfortable, feel free to include your intention in the comments below.