There is and will only ever be one you. You are unique, inimitable, irreplaceable.
Each of us arrives in this life with our given gifts, talents, passions. We move through life experiencing the world and we become ever more ourselves as we gather those experiences, the good, the bad, the sublime, the desperate, the joyful, and the heartbreaking.
We live, we grow, we have victories, we have failures. All of us will struggle and we all suffer, but we are capable of such beautiful things and sometimes the very best of us is born from difficulty. We can care and create and uplift each other in innumerable ways. The very best we can do for the world is to be fully and genuinely ourselves.
The inquiry we are all here to dive into is who are we called to be? What are we here to do and to love? What lights us up and sets us free?
I am here to do that work myself and with you.
Contact me to find out about coaching and my book Before You Go: A Death Doulas Guide to Living Your Best Life is available at